Yad Sarah Launches Emergency Campaign to Airlift Rehab Equipment amid Wartime Shipping Disruptions

Yad Sarah, Israel’s largest medical equipment and supplies lending NGO, is facing a

life-endangering deficit in its inventory of Mobile Oxygen Generators and is in urgent

need of additional Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) machines.

Since October 7th, the organization has allocated a full year’s worth of medical equipment – including oxygen generators and CPMs – in the span of three months to address the urgent needs of civilians and soldiers affected by the Israel-Hamas war.

The CPM machines are a motorized device that passively moves a joint through a pre-set range of motion and will allow injured soldiers to receive physiotherapy treatment from their homes.

The current shortage of these vital medical devices is exacerbated by shipping delays due to maritime hostilities in the Red Sea; an obstacle that requires immediate action.

To bridge the gap, Yad Sarah launched Operation Breath of Life, an urgent campaign to purchase and airlift 1,000 units of Mobile Oxygen Generators and Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) machines.

With this vital support, we will be able to hastily produce and lend these items to provide essential respiratory support and at-home therapy devices for the rehabilitation of knee and hip injuries to those who may not be able to procure a CPM elsewhere due to high costs and nationwide shortages.

Operation Breath of Life will enable Yad Sarah to aid more brave troops recovering from war-related injuries, such as this soldier our volunteers recently assisted. After receiving his request for a CPM, they specially-delivered it to his home, where he is recuperating from injuries sustained during a firefight in Gaza.

Donate now to ensure critical rehab supplies get to recovering IDF soldiers and civilians in time.


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